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Version: 1.20

Deploy Your Application to Okteto

This guide explains how to deploy your first app to Okteto.


Before you start this tutorial, make sure you fulfill the following requirements:

What you will be building

This tutorial will guide you on how to deploy the Movies app to Okteto. The Movies app consists of:

  • a React frontend
  • a Node.js backend API
  • a MongoDB database

This is a representation of the Movies app running in a Development Environment:

Movies app architecture

In order to deploy the Movies app, you will create your first Okteto Manifest. This is what your Okteto Manifest will look like at the end of the tutorial:

name: movies

context: api
context: frontend

wait: true

- name: Helm Install
command: |
helm upgrade --install movies chart \
--set mongodb.password=${MONGODB_PASSWORD} \
--set seed.enabled=true \
--set api.image=${OKTETO_BUILD_API_IMAGE} \
--set frontend.image=${OKTETO_BUILD_FRONTEND_IMAGE}

This guide will take you through the following sections:

  • build: Configure a list of images to build for your application
  • dependencies: Configure a list of git repositories to deploy as part of your application
  • deploy: Configure a list of commands to deploy your application

Now that you know what your are building, start the tutorial and deploy your app to Okteto 😎